Entrepreneurial Geekiness

Ian is a London-based independent Chief Data Scientist who coaches teams, teaches and creates data products. More about Ian here.
Entrepreneurial Geekiness
Ian is a London-based independent Chief Data Scientist who coaches teams, teaches and creates data products.

First photo post

Ohhh, photos. The first shot was taken out of my back window, it was taken using the camera’s fully automatic mode. It is very dark – I had the flash turned off (not that it would have helped that much) as I was behind a pane of glass.

Sky at Night, Automatic settings

The second was taken with a 15 second exposure time (with the camera held in the corner of the window to reduce shake). The sky looks much bluer, and the street light has an eeire glow.

Sky at Night, 15 second exposure

I’ve written a page on Addings Images to WordPress which summarises how to get the plugin working.

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Sin City

Great opening scene (Sin City). Then confusion. There was I expecting a linear narrative, only to find several comic-book stories in one film. Sucker me, didn’t see that one coming – I kept trying to piece the bits together.

There’s Brucie Boy as Hartigan nearly acting again, then shot oh-so-nearly dead. Next up we have steely-jawed Marv and then the film ended. But it didn’t. Now another story. Then the opener, again, and kinda leaning back to the second story, with an ending that mirrors the opener. Sorta. Oh heck.

Two pints of Theakston Old Peculiar helped right my mind after. Classic film noir, with orange and red, along with white blood. A mix of old T-Birds and Porsches and a modern Ferrari, some mobile phones, guns and kick-ass narrative. Thumbs up. I think. At least the good guys weren’t all sporting iPods this time.

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Blade Trinity

It always looks bad when they start the movie by explaining what’s happening right to the camera. Oh oh. But then…joy! We have the inspired addition of Van Wilder: Party Liason‘s Ryan Reynolds as an ex-vampire playboy gay vampire-killer, with his collection of one-liners and silly faces. But the vampire Pomeranian dog?

The music was cool and the fight scenes not half-bad, but not a touch on the original Blade‘s blood-from-the-ceiling nightclub meat fest. Oh yeah – the good guys have new shiny Macs and iPods, the bad guys have old clunky PCs. Does that make me a bad guy too?

Thumbs up for a good ol’ lazy morning film – won’t engage your brain but won’t make your brain try to escape your head either.

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