Archives of ArtificialIntelligence

PyConUK 2013

I’m just finishing with PyConUK, it has been a fun 3 days (and the sprints carry on tomorrow). Yesterday I presented a lightly tweaked version of my Brand Disambiguation with scikit-learn talk on natural language processing for social media processing. I had 65 people in the room (cripes!), 2/3 had used ML or NLP for […]

Overfitting with a Decision Tree

Below is a plot of Training versus Testing errors using a Precision metric (actually 1.0-precision, so lower is better) that shows how easy it is to over-fit a decision tree to the detriment of generalisation. It is important to check that a classifier isn’t overfitting to the training data such that it is just learning […]

Social Media Brand Disambiguator first steps

As noted a few days back I’m spending June working on a social-media focused brand disambiguator using Python, NLTK and scikit-learn. This project has grown out of frustrations using existing Named Entity Recognition tools (like OpenCalais and DBPediaSpotlight) to recognise brands in social media messages. These tools are generally trained to work on long-form clean […]

June project: Disambiguating “brands” in Social Media

Having returned from Chile last year, settled in to consulting in London, got married and now on honeymoon I’m planning on a change for June. I’m taking the month off from clients to work on my own project, an open sourced brand disambiguator for social media. As an example this will detect that the following […]

Visualising London, Brighton and the UK using Geo-Tweets

Recently I’ve been grabbing Tweets some some natural language processing analysis (in Python using NetworkX and NLTK) – see this PyCon and PyData conversation analysis. Using the London dataset (visualised in the PyData post) I wondered if the geo-tagged tweets would give a good-looking map of London. It turns out that it does: You can […]

Applied Parallel Computing (PyCon 2013 Tutorial) slides and code

Minesh B. Amin (MBASciences) and I (Mor Consulting Ltd) taught Applied Parallel Computing over 3 hours at PyCon 2013. PyCon this year was a heck of a lot of fun, I did the fun run (mentioned below), received one of the free 2500 RaspberryPis that were given away, met an awful lot of interesting people […]

Analysing #pydata, London and Brighton tweets for concept mapping

Below I’ve visualised tweets for #PyData conference and the cities of London and Brighton – this builds on my ‘concept cloud‘ from a few days ago at the #PyCon conference. Props to Maksim for his Social Media Analysis tutorial for inspiration. Update – Maksim’s Analying Social Networks tutorial video is online. For the earlier #PyCon […]

PowerPoint: Brief Introduction to NLProc. for Social Media

For my client (AdaptiveLab) I recently gave an internal talk on the state of the art of Natural Language Processing around Social Media (specifically Twitter and Facebook), having spent a few days digesting recent research papers. The area is fascinating (I want to do some work here via my as the text is so […]

Layers of “data science”?

The field of “data science” covers a lot of areas, it feels like there’s a continuum of layers that can be considered and lumping them all as “data science” is perhaps less helpful than it could be. Maybe by sharing my list you can help me with further insight. In terms of unlocking value in […]