
Entrepreneurial Geekiness self-learning text cleaner demo online

A few weeks I posted some notes on a self-learning text cleaning system, to be used by data scientists who didn’t want to invest time cleaning their data by hand. I have a first demo online over at (the demo code is here in github). The intuition behind this is that we currently divert […]

Data Science Jobs UK (ModelInsight) – Python Jobs Email List

I’ve had people asking me about how they can find data scientists in London and through our PyDataLondon meetup we’ve had members announcing jobs. There’s no central location for data science jobs so I’ve put together a new list (administered through my ModelInsight agency). Sign-up to the list here: Data Science Jobs UK (ModelInsight) Aimed […]

A first approach to automatic text data cleaning

In October I gave the opening keynote at PyConIreland on The Real Unsolved Problems in Data Science. One of the topics I covered was poor quality data, by some estimates data cleaning occupies 50-80% of a data scientist’s time. Personally I’ve just spent the better part of last year figuring out ways to convert poorly-represented […]

We’re running more Data Science Training in 2015 Q1 in London

A couple of weeks ago Bart and I ran two very successful training courses in London through my ModelInsight, one introduced data science using pandas and numpy to build a recommender engine, the second taught a two-day course on High Performance Python (and yes, that was somewhat based on my book with a lot of […]

My Keynote at PyConIreland 2014 – “The Real Unsolved Problems in Data Science”

I’ve just given the opening keynote here at PyConIreland 2014 – many thanks to the organisers for letting me get on stage. This is based on 15 years experience running my own consultancies in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. (Small note  – with the pic below James mis-tweeted ‘sexist’ instead of ‘sexiest’ (from my opening slide) […]

Fourth PyDataLondon Meetup

We’ve just run our 4th PyDataLondon meetup (@PyDataLondon). Having over 500 members is superb for just 4 months growth, woot 🙂 Many thanks to @GoPivotalEMEA for hosting us. We had 3 speakers and 1 lightning talk. Here are my slides on “The High Performance Python Landscape”: I’m still collecting data for my two surveys (to […]

High Performance Python Training at EuroSciPy this afternoon

I’m training on High Performance Python this afternoon at EuroSciPy, my github source is here (as a shortlink: There are prerequisites for the course. This training is actually a tiny part of what I’ll teach on my 2 day High Performance Python course in London in October (along with a Data Science course). If […]