Archives of pydata

Leadership discussion session at PyDataLondon 2024

At this year’s PyDataLondon 2024 conference I ran my regular Leadership discussion for team leaders & department heads. It is an open session for 40-60 senior people, under Chatham House rules, to discuss issues and seek feedback. We had a lot of happy people in the room for this session (photo below – taken with […]

What I’ve been up to since 2022

This has been terribly quiet since July 2022, oops. It turns out that having an infant totally sucks your time! In the meantime I’ve continued to build up: Training courses – I’ve just listed my new Fast Pandas course plus the existing Successful Data Science Projects and Software Engineering for Data Scientists with runs of […]

Skinny Pandas Riding on a Rocket at PyDataGlobal 2020

On November 11th we saw the most ambitious ever PyData conference – PyData Global 2020 was a combination of world-wide PyData groups putting on a huge event to both build our international community and to leverage the on-line only conferences that we need to run during Covid 19. The conference brought together almost 2,000 attendees […]

“Making Pandas Fly” at EuroPython 2020

I’ve had a chance to return to talking about High Performance Python at EuroPython 2020 after my first tutorial on this topic back in 2011 in Florence. Today I spoke on Making Pandas Fly with a focus on making Pandas run faster. This covered: Categories and RAM-saving datatypes to make 100-500x speed-ups (well, some of […]

“Making Pandas Fly” for PyDataAmsterdam 2020

I thank the PyDataAmsterdam 2020 organisers for another chance to speak on Making Pandas Fly (PyDataAmsterdam 2020). This variant of the talk focuses more on: Understanding when categories beat strings and smaller floats beat larger ones What’s happening with NumPy behind the scenes How we can save 50% of our RAM (and so fit in […]

“Flying Pandas” and “Making Pandas Fly” – virtual talks this weekend on faster data processing with Pandas, Modin, Dask and Vaex

This Saturday and Monday I’ve had my first experience presenting at virtual conferences – on Saturday it was for Remote Pizza Python (brilliant line-up!) and on Monday (note – this post predates the talk, I’ll update it tomorrow after I’ve spoken) at BudapestBI. UPDATE added 2nd variant of Making Pandas Fly for a short-notice PyDataUK […]

“Higher Performance Python” at PyDataCambridge 2019

I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at the first PyDataCambridge conference (2019), this is the second PyData conference in the UK after PyDataLondon (which colleagues and I co-founded 6 years back). I’m super proud to see PyData spread to 6 regional meetups and now 2 UK conferences. We had over 200 attendees and the conference […]

“On the Delivery of Data Science Projects” – talk at PyDataCambridge meetup

A few weeks I got to speak at PyDataCambridge (thanks for having me!), slides are here for “On The Delivery of Data Science Projects“. This talk is based on my experiences coaching teams (whilst building IP for clients) to help them derisk, design and deliver working data science products. This talk is really in two […]

Thoughts on how to start a PyData or Python meetup

At PyConLT 2019 (Lithuania) we just had a 10-person meeting on “how to start a new PyData or Python meetup” with existing organisers and some potential new event organisers. The night before in the conference bar Radovan and I had spent an hour helping someone from Latvia figure out their plan to start a new […]