Archives of pydata

PyDataLondon second meetup (July 1st)

Our second PyDataLondon meetup will be running on Tuesday July 1st at Pivotal in Shoreditch. The announce went out to the meetup group and the event was at capacity within 7 hours – if you’d like to attend future meetups please join the group (and the wait-list is open for our next event). Our speakers: […]

First PyDataLondon meetup done, preparing the second

Last night we ran our first PyDataLondon meetup (@PyDataLondon). We had 80 data-focused Pythonistas in the room, co-organiser Emlyn lead the talks followed by a great set of Lightning Talks. Pivotal provided a cool venue (thanks Ian Huston!) with lovely pizza and beer in central Shoreditch – we’re much obliged to you. This was a […]

PyDataLondon Meetup Number 1 (June – JS, NLP, Kinects)

Our first PyData London Meetup will occur on June 3rd at Pivotal in Shoreditch. At our first night we’ll have: Pete Passaro talking on javascript and natural language processing using Python Emlyn Clay on Matlab and Python for science Chipp Jansen on auto-sculpting with a Kinect Ian Huston on Pivotal’s open source tools (I had […]

2nd Early Release of High Performance Python (we added a chapter)

Here’s a quick book update – we just released a second Early Release of High Performance Python which adds a chapter on lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets. This is available to anyone who has bought it already (login into O’Reilly to get the update). Shortly we’ll follow with chapters on Matrices and the Multiprocessing module. […]

PyDataLondon 2014 Write-up

We’ve just drawn PyDataLondon 2014 to a close, it has been a wonderfully successful weekend. The growth of Python’s use for data science in the last few years here in the UK is pretty phenomenal. Many thanks to Continuum Analytics and NumFocus for backing and organising the PyData conferences. “Start of the week after busy […]

High Performance Python at PyDataLondon 2014

Yesterday I spoke on The High Performance Python Landscape at PyDataLondon 2014 (our first PyData outside of the USA – see my write-up). I was blessed with a full room and interesting questions. With Micha I’m authoring a High Performance Python book with O’Reilly (email list for early access) and I took the topics from […]