
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

ShowMeDo’s New “Services” Arm

I’m very pleased to announce that Kyran and I have completed the first version of The site is our ‘commercial arm’ which aims to help companies with: Creating screencasts for marketing and training Premium video hosting We are already working for 4 Brighton-based companies and have garnered some very nice testimonials. Next – I […]

6th £5 App – Mac Shareware

Mine and John’s 6th Five Pound App Meet (feed for new events) event is coming up on Tues 11th September, Martin Reddington is speaking on his Mac shareware company: Martin Redington, of MildMannered Industries, talks about life as a small independent software vendor, writing mac software for the consumer market. This event is being sponsored […]

Spam – foreign emails and friend-of-friends address books

I’m getting lots more spam on my work account, apparently due to the storm botnet. Now I drag 10-20 new mails to the spam_to_learn folder every day and I check and delete 50-100 identified spams each day. Of the incoming spams – a small but steady percentage are in a foreign language. They use unicode, […]

Facebook – resigned – woot!

Thank-goodness. I feel lighter and my world seems brighter. I have quit Facebook. First I had to turn off all the damned annoying notification emails. Did I want to be Poked, Pro-poked, zombied and pirated? No, of course not. Nor did I want the endless Questions and Group Invites. And what’s with people Friending you […]

ShowMeDo – new videos, ffmpeg, Google Group

I made two posts a little while back on the ShowMeDo blog about compiling ffmpeg on RedHat and compiling LAME on RedHat. We use these to auto-process new ShowMeDo videos, another step in taking Kyran and myself out of the loop. It is always nice to realise that a bottleneck is ‘you’ and ‘you’ can […]

Django-powered £5 App site

Our five pound app site is now Djangoified via some uber-John-coding. The next speaker is Tom Hume of Future Platforms, talking about: “The Gritty Realities of running a software company: a reasonably warts-and-all discussion of the last 7 years of FP, rounded off with a showcase of some of the more ludicrous stuff we’ve managed […]

Printable Events-Summary List?

I mention the events that I attend (£5 App, OpenCoffee Sussex, Girl Geek Dinner, Geek Dinner, Geek Wine Thing) to friends and colleagues and often I’m met with a blank stare. It seems that most people I know just don’t realise that there are events like these in town. I’m wondering if a printable list […]

OpenCoffee Sussex – first meeting

Today Jon (Inuda) and I ran our first OpenCoffee Sussex at the Sussex Innovation Centre. The aim of our OpenCoffee is to get the start-ups in the Innovation Centre talking to people in Brighton and vice versa. Matt Weston runs the excellent Business Bricks (Upcoming listings) every Friday in town (at the RedRoaster or Mad […]