
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

More Python 3.3 downloads than Python 2.7 for past 3 months

Since PyCon 2013 I’ve been in a set of conversations that start with “should I be using Python 3.3 for science work?”. Here’s a recent reddit thread on the subject. Last year I solidly recommended using Python 2.7 for scientific work (as many key libraries weren’t yet supported). I’m on the cusp of changing my […]

Semantic map of PyCon2013 Twitter Topics

Maksim taught a lovely Social Graph Analytics course at PyCon the day before I taught Applied Parallel Computing. I took his demo for a “poor mans LDA/LSI analysis” of a Twitter topic (rather than using full LDA it just uses co-incident hashtags) and added usernames to produce the plot below. Update – Analysing #pydata conference […]

ANN: twitter-text-python release (Python Tweet parsing library)

A few weeks back I took over as maintainer of the twitter-text-python library (source on github). This library lets you take a tweet like: "@ianozsvald, you now support #IvoWertzel's tweet ... parser!" and extract the Twitter entities as defined in the Twitter conformance tests. The entities in the above tweet would be: reply: 'ianozsvald' […]

PyCon Tutorial Notes for Applied Parallel Computing

This post is for students of the Applied Parallel Computing tutorial that Minesh B. Amin and I will run during March 2013 at PyCon.This is a wiki-post, I’ll update it over the next month. If you are attending the tutorial you must check this post in the run-up to the tutorial. Important notes are below […]

Applied Parallel Computing at PyCon 2013 (March)

Minesh B. Amin (MBA Sciences) and I (Mor Consulting) are teaching Applied Parallel Computing at PyCon in San Jose in just over a month, here’s an outline of the tutorial. The conference is sold out but there’s still tickets for the tutorials (note that they’re selling quickly too). Typically a recording of the tutorial is […]