
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

Last £5 App in our ‘year of stories’

Next week’s £5 App event is on April 8th at 13 Brunswick Square – this event marks the end of a ‘year of stories’ and from here we move to a workshop-style set of sessions. First we showed that you can build a business or project without funding during our 11 great talks over the […]

First Brighton Python Meet – Weds 20th

John and I are holding our first Brighton Python meet this Wednesday 20th at The Hampton Arms. Paul Silver’s The Farm is running on the same night – we’ll be sitting on a nearby table. We’ll have a copy of Learning Python on the table, I’ll have my laptop with ShowMeDo‘s TurboGears code and John […]

Rupert and Eurogamer at the £5 App

Earlier in the week we had a great talk from Rupert about how he and his brother built the ‘overnight success’ Eurogamer in ‘just 10 years’ 🙂 I’ve written the event up at Rosie’s ProjectBrighton. If you’re interested in presenting an idea, work-in-progress or fully-fledged story at a future event then please just get in […]

Learn Python – ShowMeDo Subscriptions

I’m rather proud to say that we released our Subscription package for new Python programmers last Saturday. We aim to be the on-line ‘Python school’ that so many beginners are looking for. Python is a great language for beginners, has many learn-Python books and a strong Python Tutor mail list. One area that it lacks […]

Disappearing Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu (Gutsy)

This morning Ubuntu’s UpdateManager ran and informed me of 1 update to do with the Adobe flash player. I let it install…and promptly I no longer had the Flash player in Firefox 🙁 An ‘about:plugins’ confirmed that it was missing. A few minutes poking on the web revealed this write-up and this bug-report which spells […]

£5 App & My first ProjectBrighton post

2008’s first £5 App will be held on 12th February with Rupert Loman (founder of EuroGamer) talking on how he built the company from humble beginnings. As usual please sign-up on Upcoming so we know how much beer to buy and cake to bake. I’m also happy to say I’ve written my first article on […]

Brighton Python User Group – Feb 20th

John and I have decided to organise a Python pub meeting here in Brighton, the date is the somewhat-distant Feb 20th. Why? We want to figure out how many Python programmers are down here and find out what people are working on. Personally I’m also interested in receiving some feedback on which Python topics we […]

Installing IE6 on Ubuntu Gutsy (7.10)

I wanted to test ShowMeDo‘s rendering on IE6. My Windows XP box uses IE7 and I figured my Ubuntu box could run IE6 via Wine…it turns out to be just a simple install step. I was up and running within 5 minutes. First – install wine. Second, get the ies4linux installer and run it using […]

Subscription sites –

I’m doing research on community-sites that have a paying subscription element as a part of our re-think for ShowMeDo. I found some nice data on ScreenCastsOnline and I figured I’d share it. Don McAllister (UK) is the voice behind ScreenCastsOnline – he provides weekly screencasts to teach viewers about Mac software and web sites. Don […]

Which sites do you subscribe (£/$) to?

We’re planning a move to a paid-subscription model inside ShowMeDo – we’d like to keep all the content freely available and start adding pro-features that enhance a user’s learning experience. Having never promoted a subscription model before I’m looking for feedback… Here’s the question – which services do you pay to subscribe to on a […]