We had our 24th £5 App event a few weeks back (follow @fivepoundapp for announces). The event was titled “Spring” so we could see what people had been building recently.
First up was Jayanth (@jaykannan) from Sussex University with DorkSynth – a Kinect powered theramin-like synth tool. The video (sorry for the 90 degree twist!) shows it in action:
Jay also has a video for his second Kinect project (for Microsoft) – a Kinect-powered quiz tool:
Next up was Erik Erskine who spoke about the Brighton Marathon iPhone app. They were commissioned to write the app to help well-wishers keep up to date with news (powered by RFID tags) on the progress of the runners:
After this Prem (@premasagar) of Dharmafly spoke on a webapp that helps organisations visualise the change that takes place in skill levels and connectedness during educational programmes:
Finally Chriss Ross (@darkrock) spoke on Tap to Chat, an iPhone Facebook chat app that has become something of a financial success from humble week-long-hack beginnings:
Thanks as always to Jon at The Skiff for hosting us (go sign-up if you need a lovely co-working space).
Ian is a Chief Interim Data Scientist via his Mor Consulting. Sign-up for Data Science tutorials in London and to hear about his data science thoughts and jobs. He lives in London, is walked by his high energy Springer Spaniel and is a consumer of fine coffees.