Archives of Python

New public course on Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects for March 1st

On Friday February 1st I ran my first Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects, this is a part of my new plan to give more training this year. This went really well and I got to both teach and learn a lot from my students. We talked through best practice, project design, derisking strategies, communication plans […]

“discover feature relationships” – new EDA tool

I’ve built a new Exploratory Data Analysis tool, I used it in a few presentations last year with the code on github and have now (finally) published it to PyPI. The goal is to quickly check in a DataFrame using machine learning (sklearn’s Random Forests) if any column predicts any other column. I’m interested in […]

Looking back on 2018, looking to 2019

So last year was a damned hard year – ignoring Brexit and other international foolishness, on a personal level (without going in to details) by mid-year I was emotionally wiped out. A collection of health issues between family and friends kept rearing their ugly heads and over time I ran very low of emotionally supportive […]

New public course on Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects for Feb 1st

During my Pythonic data science team coaching I see various problems coming up that I’ve helped solve before. Based on these observations and my prior IP design and delivery for clients over the years I’ve put together a 1 day public course aimed at data scientists (any level) who want to be more confident with […]

On receiving the Community Leadership Award at the NumFOCUS Summit 2018

At the end of September I was honoured to receive the Community Leadership Award from NumFOCUS for my work building out the PyData community here in London and at associated events. This was awarded at the NumFOCUS 2018 Summit, I couldn’t attend the New York event and James Powell gave my speech on my behalf […]

On the growth of our PyDataLondon community

I haven’t spoken on our PyDataLondon meetup community in a while so I figure a few numbers are due. We’re now at an incredible 7,800 members and just this month we had 200 members in the room at AHL’s new venue. We’re a volunteer run community – you’ll see the list of our brilliant volunteers […]

Keynote at EuroPython 2018 on “Citizen Science”

I’ve just had the privilege of giving my first keynote at EuroPython (and my second keynote this year), I’ve just spoken on “Citizen Science”. I gave a talk aimed at engineers showing examples of projects around healthcare and humanitarian topics using Python that make the world a better place. The main point was “gather your […]

“Creating correct and capable classifiers” at PyDataAmsterdam 2018

This weekend I got to attend PyDataAmsterdam 2018 – this is my first trip to the Netherlands (Yay! It is lovely here). The conference grew on last year to 345 attendees with over 20% female speakers. In addition to attending some lovely talks I also got to run another “Making your first open source contribution” […]

PyDataLondon 2018 and “Creating Correct and Capable Classifiers”

This weekend we ran PyDataLondon 2018, the fifth iteration of our conference (connected with our monthly PyDataLondon meetup). This year we grew to 500 attendees! Read about the past PyDataLondon 2017 here. Updates – videos are online, reportedly we raised £91,000 towards open source support for NumFOCUS via ticket sales & sponsorship (all the London […]