Archives of Data science

PyDataBudapest and “Machine Learning Libraries You’d Wish You’d Known About”

I’m back at BudapestBI and this year it has its first PyDataBudapest track. Budapest is fun! I’ve had a second iteration talking on a slightly updated “Machine Learning Libraries You’d Wish You’d Known About” (updated from PyDataCardiff two weeks back). When I was here to give an opening keynote talk two years back the conference […]

Kaggle’s Mercedes-Benz Greener Manufacturing

Kaggle are running a regression machine learning competition with Mercedes-Benz right now, it closes in a week and runs for about 6 weeks overall. I’ve managed to squeeze in 5 days to have a play (I managed about 10 days on the previous Quora competition). My goal this time was to focus on new tools […]

PyDataLondon 2017 Conference write-up

Several weeks back we ran our 4th PyDataLondon (2017) conference – it was another smashing success! This builds on our previous 3 years of effort (2016, 2015, 2014) building both the conference and our over-subscribed monthly meetup. We’re grateful to our host Bloomberg for providing the lovely staff, venue and catering. Really got inspired by […]

Introduction to Random Forests for Machine Learning at the London Python Meetup

Last night I had the pleasure of returning to London Python to introduce Random Forests (this builds on my PyConUK 2016 talk from September). My goal was to give a pragmatic introduction to solving a binary classification problem (Kaggle’s Titanic) using scikit-learn. The talk (slides here) covers: Organising your data with Pandas Exploratory Data Visualisation […]

PyDataLondon 2017 Conference Call for Proposals Now Open

This year we’ll hold our 4th PyDataLondon conference during May 5th-7th at Bloomberg (thanks Bloomberg!). Our Call for Proposals is open and will run during February (closing date to be confirmed so don’t just forget about it! – get on with making a draft submission soon). We want talks at all levels (first timers especially […]

Practical ML for Engineers talk at #pyconuk last weekend

Last weekend I had the pleasure of introducing Machine Learning for Engineers (a practical walk-through, no maths) [YouTube video] at PyConUK 2016. Each year the conference grows and maintains a lovely vibe, this year it was up to 600 people! My talk covered a practical guide to a 2 class classification challenge (Kaggle’s Titanic) with […]

Some notes on building a conda recipe

I’ve spent the day building a conda recipe, the process wasn’t super-smooth, hopefully these notes will help others and/or maybe you can leave me a comment to improve my flow. The goal was to learn how to use conda to distribute a package that ordinarily I’d put on PyPI. I’m using Linux 64bit (Mint 18 […]

Results for “Which version of Python (2.x vs 3.x) do London Data Scientists use?”

Over the last week I’ve surveyed my PyDataLondon meetup community (3,400+ members) to ask “Which version of Python do you use at work and at home?”. The goal is to gain evidence about which versions of Python are used by Data Scientists. This will help tool developers so they can make evidence-based decisions (e.g. this Dask […]

PyDataLondon 2016 Conference Write-up

We’ve just run our 3rd PyDataLondon Conference (2016) – 3 days, 4 tracks, 330 people.This builds on PyDataLondon 2015. It was ace! If you’d like to be notified about PyDataLondon 2017 then join this announce list (it’ll be super low volume like it has been for the last 2 years). Big thanks to the organizers, […]