
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

Jobs Board at the £5 App Meet

At the first £5 App meet we had a lot of people who either run their own company or are part of a start-up. I spoke to a bunch of people about how they go about finding contractors and permie staff and everyone agrees that it is a right pain. Personal networking seems to be […]

Raj (kwiqq) on Brighton’s Geek Scene

Raj ( blogs about the local Brighton start-up scene and our gets a mention. Raj and Alan will be presenting at the next £5 App meet ( 8th May). Raj also covers the Brighton Girl Geek Dinners, I was at the 3rd event last night – another strong turn-out and a great talk on […]

£5 App on Social Start-ups – 2nd event Tuesday May 8th

[Edit – see ‘Second £5 App Write-up – Social Start-ups‘ for the write-up of this second event] John and I have organised our second £5 App, this one takes place on Tuesday May 8th (details: Upcoming). Please mark your attendance over at Upcoming and un-attend if you can’t make it as we’ll be guessing how […]

Geek Wine Tasting

Danny’s fabulous Geek Wine Tasting idea is going ahead, first tested at the last TWYCDIYHTM (btw thanks Matt and Charlie for organising TWY…I’m looking forward to the next one). Likely date: Tues 22nd May. He’s looking for a better name than ‘Geek Wine Thing’ – I’m suggesting Geek Tasting…please help Danny out with some suggestions. […]

£5 App write-ups

[Edit – this follows on from the announce post here: Great Inaugral Night post] Both Simon (Geek dinners) and Jane have write-ups from our first evening and Jane very kindly took photos for us. Here are John and myself: and there are more here and here. “Inspirational Entrepreneurial Geekiness”: “Having been to the excellent first […]

13 Brunswick Sq – The Front Door

Danny sent me this link for tonight’s £5 App meetup. 13 Brunswick Sq has no door number or obvious buzzer so, in the spirit of ‘a picture is worth 1000 words’:

£5 App at Brunswick Square

Our £5 App evening (Tuesday March 27th 8pm) gathers pace. John and I went for a visit to the very cool venue at 13 Brunswick Square (beige door, see Update at bottom of this entry): The building is perfect – it has exactly the right atmosphere for a startup event. John and I shall provide […]

Hanging the Kittens

Shardcore’s greatest piece – the Electromechanical kittens (of pure and unstoppable evil) – now hangs on my wall. This piece is a follow-up to his earlier Mechanical kittens. I am a happy man. Next week Shardcore exhibits a selection of his work at our first £5 App meet. Woot!