
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

Some ProCasts bits

Given that 2008 ended well I’m going to give in to a bit of self-indulgence.  The best ending for my ProCasts was helping Justin in the days running up to Christmas increase his sign-up rate for with a 3 minute front-page screencast.  Being told “My bounce rate has decreased about 7 percent per day. […]

Marble-mouse sticking, finger slips [solved]

For the last few weeks my lovely Logitech Marble Mouse has been sticking – my finger would slip whenever I pulled it towards me (‘down’) whilst up, left and right were just fine.  I had a memory that when I first bought the mouse in August everything was much smoother… A quick Google revealed nought […]

Robot posts at RoboChick

It is lovely to see that Emily has added new posts on her robotic explorations at robochick. Topics include a look at CCNR (that’s Sussex Uni’s Centre for Computational Neuroscience) with video, Emily’s talk on building robots as ‘Batteries not included‘ for Brighton Girl Geeks, thoughts on presenting at the £5 App Xmas Special and […]

Upgrading Ubuntu Hardy to Ibex

I’ve just upgraded from 8.04 LTS to 8.10.  Inevitably there were some hiccups – no sound, difficulties with the nVidia drivers. The initial upgrade was flawless, it took under 30 minutes to prepare itself, download the new packages, install everything and reboot. I have an NVidia 8500GT which requires the non-free driver for decent video […]

£5 App Xmas Games Special

We’re plotting our 14th £5 App meet.  This, our second Christmas Special, will have a gamesy happy crimbo feel. Date: Wednesday 10th December, sign-up on Upcoming please.  Location TBC. Our very own Aleks Krotoski will lead the evening with the launch of the Guardian’s new on-line text adventure SpaceShip! We’ll probably run the second half […]