
Entrepreneurial Geekiness

The Micropreneur Academy

Rob Walling has been working to build the Micropreneur Academy – a focused site aimed at MicroISV’s who want to grow their businesses into high-value, fast-growth affairs (original May announce). He contacted me a few months back to ask if I’d like to contribute an article on how screencasts can boost sales of software products, […]

The Screencasting Handbook

I’m very pleased to say that my new screencasting book – The Screencasting Handbook – is now in production. The website went live this week and once one tiny bug is resolved (the title seems to float a bit weirdly) the site will be finished. The book’s goal is to present 4 years of my […]

£5 App #18 – A.I. controlled kites, bootstrapped start-up, geo-urls, robots

On Tuesday we had the 18th £5 App event, details of the line-up are here. Update – write-up by David Hawes on his talk. Allister Furey on A.I. controlled kites and live physics simulations for green power generation: £5 App #18 – Allister Furey on A.I. Controlled Kites v2 from IanProCastsCoUk on Vimeo. David Hawes […]

£5 App Tues July 14th @ Skiff – Kite power with AI, short geo-urls and safety training

Next week’s £5 App night is shaping up nicely, we’re mixing A.I., clean energy production, geo-urls and a safety-training start-up in 3 talks by new speakers.  I’ve cribbed the following from the 18th event description, sign-up on Upcoming to give us an idea of numbers please: Allister Furey will be talking about applying ‘bio-inspired’ AI […]

E-UAE Amiga Emulator on Ubuntu 9.04 with Sound and a Blank Floppy Image (.adf)

In all its glory, behold the 880k-wonderfulness of a blank Amiga (.adf) floppy disk image.  Why, you might ask, do I link to this image?  Simple.  Having used the e-uae Amiga emulator on Linux a few times, each time I’ve stumbled with save-games because euae doesn’t provide the ability to format a save-game disk when […]

Running Skype on Ubuntu + QuickCam Pro 9000

I use Skype on my Win desktop and MacBook as a matter of course now, I rather like to use the video feed via the MacBook when co-working with my team on our screencasts. Since the desktop box usually runs Ubuntu 9.04, I wanted to try my new QuickCam Pro 9000.  The short story is […]