Archives of #Ui

Recognising number plates to make drivers’ ‘social network’?

Warning – this is a rambling mental outpouring generated during my drive home today… Often when driving I muse on the future possibility of seeing an AR overlay on my windscreen telling me a bit about other drivers – principally whether or any of these drivers are nutters who will drive dangerously.  Sometimes it is […]

MockupScreens and ECMerge Screencast Tours

I’m rather chuffed with our two most recent ProCasts screencam productions. For Igor of we’ve produced our first dual-narration screencast, this one shows you a typical use of his rapid UI mock-up tool.  Richard takes on the voice of the client, I take the voice of the contractor who is making the mock-up: For […]

CamTasia tip – increasing the call-out length

I’ve just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out an odd behaviour in CamTasia v5.1.0.  The documentation (great video demo) explains that a call-out can be added, and then by dragging the call-out we can change the length for its display. Only…it seemed that you couldn’t drag the length.  You can easily drag its position, […]