Archives of #Little Bit

Open Sourcing “The Screencasting Handbook”

Back in 2010 I released the finished version of my first commercial eBook The Screencasting Handbook. It was 129 pages of distilled knowledge for the budding screencaster, written in part to introduce my (then) screencasting company ProCasts to the world (which I sold years back) and based on experience teaching through ShowMeDo. Today I release […]

Using ZeroFree to shrink a VirtualBox Linux Image

My development Ubuntu image inside VirtualBox was using too much space to store empty but non-zero disk blocks on its virtual drive. This sucked space from my laptop’s SSD (which is already not big enough!). Shrinking it by zeroing the blocks took a little bit of effort. Inside VirtualBox if I boot my Ubuntu 11.04 […]