All posts of Ian

4th £5 App – Linc’s Button Box

Yesterday we held our 4th FivePoundApp meet and Linc Smith gave a great talk about his ‘response box’ developed inside ioLab. Linc’s talk is a change from our regular software talks as the response box is a hardware system. Linc showed us how he designed and produced these boxes which improve upon the current state […]

Brighton Bloggers Collage

Jane‘s script-fu has put together a wonderful collage of all 279 bloggers who make up the Brighton Bloggers list. See it here, I’m on the bottom row. 12 people have tagged their blogs so far…

4th £5 App Meeting – Tuesday 10th July

Our 4th meeting is almost here, Linc Smith will be talking about his Mac-inspired ‘button box’ – a custom-built box used for timing-experiments with medical folk (it looks like a Steve Jobsian arcade controller). We will also have a selection of Pitch ideas: A Facebook Food idea – Jon Markwell Art-Hole – Shardcore will give […] live is now a live and running site. Currently it is just a static page linking to the recent talks, soon John will Djangoify it. We’re open to ideas, first off we’d like to let people submit links to their own write-ups and flickr photos. What else do we need?

Dan’s talk – mp3 available

Dan Glegg’s talk from the last £5 App is now available as an mp3, see his blog entry. Hi talk is clear, slides are available too. John hopes to get a fivepoundapp website up and running soon and then we can have links to all the resources in the one place.

3rd £5 App – Dan Glegg and The Pitches

John and I held another great £5 App meet last night (previous event). Even though we had to limit numbers on Upcoming we still had our regular 20-or-so turn-out. John made more Ginger Cake and I bought some better beer for this event. First half – the talk: Dan Glegg (angryamoeba) gave another great talk […]

Thunderbird videos on ShowMeDo

Lucas and Marius – two of our ShowMeDo authors – have created a great 3-part video introduction to Mozilla Thunderbird entitled: ‘Being Productive with Mozilla Thunderbird‘. I’m always impressed by the quality of the tutorial videos that our users submit – these three Thunderbird videos deserve the attention of…and that gives me an idea.

Danny proposes a possible £5 App discussion

Danny (of HoboInternet) has just posted about a idea he’s proposing for the intriguingly-named [no site yet] service. The idea is simple – a RESTful site which can strip comments out of CSS, so you don’t have to serve comment-heavy CSS in day-to-day operations but you can preserve comments for development. Perhaps the idea […]

£5 App – Job Board

John and I announced our ‘Job Board’ idea at the second £5 App meet. We want to make the board useful for Jobs, Requests and Announces for geeks in Brighton. If you want something added, just post a comment on this post. To get in the picture you’ll need to attend and stick something on […]

Second £5 App Write-up – Social Start-ups

Tuesday night saw another very successful £5 App meet where Alan Newman and Raj Anand spoke on their startups (html-slides below). Alan discussed the rocky road to building a stable development company ( and his social footy site. Raj gave a very interesting talk on ‘how to start a start-up’, a subject he blogs […]