22nd £5 App Write-up for WildLife, Plaques, Robots, Go and Golf Gadgets

Last night we ran our 22nd £5 App event, videos for each speaker are listed below. The lovely Thayer Prime of Data.Gov.Uk provided us with 3 copies of Programming the Semantic Web to give away, this was particularly well timed given the semantic nature of our two main talks. Thanks Thayer!

WildLife Near You by Simon Willison and Natalie Downe (wildlifenearyou.com)

£5 App #22 WildLifeNearYou by Simon Willison and Natalie Downe from IanProCastsCoUk on Vimeo.

OpenPlaques by Simon Harriyott and Jez Nicholson (openplaques.org)

£5 App #22 OpenPlaques.org from IanProCastsCoUk on Vimeo.

BotBuilder’s Robots by Steve Carpenter (botbuilder.co.uk)

£5 App #22 Robots from BotBuilder (Steve Carpenter) from Ian Ozsvald on Vimeo.

Google Go by Jamie Campbell (golang.org)

£5 App #22 Google’s Go by Jamie from Ian Ozsvald on Vimeo.

SureScore Golf Pro by Chris Holden (scoresure.co.uk)

£5 App #22 Chris on ScoreSure Golf Pro from Ian Ozsvald on Vimeo.

Ian is a Chief Interim Data Scientist via his Mor Consulting. Sign-up for Data Science tutorials in London and to hear about his data science thoughts and jobs. He lives in London, is walked by his high energy Springer Spaniel and is a consumer of fine coffees.