Last week I recorded a new screencast demonstrating Internet Explorer 8 (beta 1) vs Firefox 3.0.1. The demo highlights some of the shortcomings of IE8 beta1 and generally works to show the viewer why Firefox is the better choice.
Annoyingly this week Microsoft released beta2 which fixes several of the short-comings and rather dates my screencast. Darn.
It also takes a dig at IE6 users and reminds them that their browser is 7 years old and really needs to be updated.
The 8 minute video is linked over at ProCasts on the examples page. I’ve also uploaded it to ShowMeDo, YouTube and Vimeo so we can compare the differences in visual quality.
YouTube is, as expected, rather yucky. Vimeo’s copy is small but smooth with a decent framerate, ShowMeDo is larger but with a lower framerate (5fps) so the animations are a touch jerky, my example page has a large and smoother version.
Techniques include zooms, on-screen annotations and some fades and it ends with a clear call-to-action. The main tools used is the lovely CamTasia 5.
I’m also pleased to have been linked in an article on ReadWriteWeb in the comments by Michael of SmashCut – cheers Michael.
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