Printable Events-Summary List?

I mention the events that I attend (£5 App, OpenCoffee Sussex, Girl Geek Dinner, Geek Dinner, Geek Wine Thing) to friends and colleagues and often I’m met with a blank stare. It seems that most people I know just don’t realise that there are events like these in town.

I’m wondering if a printable list of the established events might be useful – they’d be like flyers to hand around or post on Notice Boards. This would be especially useful for the upcoming OpenCoffees as many of the companies who attend have no idea that there are related events in town.

Would anyone be up for drafting a nicely-presented list of the established events? Perhaps a simple alphabetic listing, 1 line summary, website, date? Inspiration for listings here at Sussex Digital.

If someone did a nice listing and it had your company logo on the bottom, it strikes me that it would be a fair exchange of your design-time for some helpful exposure, whilst helping the events community.


  • Just added a print stylesheet to Sussex Digital events listing for you: It's not as useful as I'd like (blame upcoming and their feeds), but it's a start. We'll probably make it more useful over the coming weeks.
  • Cool, that's a start. If that's what we're up to on Thursday then that's what I'll bring to the next OpenCoffee and we'll see what the feedback is like. Ian.
  • Funnily enough I was thinking about printing of calendar stuff recently. As an event organizer I would find it really useful to get a large (A3/A2) hard-copy of a bunch of calendars (like Google Calendar's month view but a year's worth on one sheet) so that I would see a lot of information at once.