£5 App is “Rock n’ Roll”

Hot damn – we’ve just been reviewed by ex-pat Automatic Romantic and our £5 App meets get a stunning write-up:

“Then again, I look at their Flickr stream and the general feeling of lash-up : Projecting onto a whiteboard in a room that looks like it’s either in the throes of serious refurbishment or spiraling down into dereliction (and taking some beautiful antique plaster ceiling roses with it), the beer drinking and eating cake out of foil, the hair, the art, the air of bonhomie and the realization comes to me that it’s not making do at all, it’s Rock n’ Roll.” [Ian’s emphasis]

John and I were raising beers to each other last night off of this and we’ll be dining out on it for some time to come.

Related – old friend Simon Hammond is mulling the idea of exporting £5 Apps to Birmingham. I say go for it!

Take the meme and run with it, embrace quick experiments, low cost-of-failure, fail-fast approaches to testing business (and non-business) ideas…just Get On With It. See where it takes you and have a ball on the way (oh, and link back here and let us know how you fare!).

Do join us for a Xmas Special on Tuesday 4th December with a pro-consumer talk followed by Shardcore on the highs and lows of dot-com-boom Beenz.com.


  • Damn right about running and getting on with it. Experimentation is key to finding out and understanding what will or won't be a success. A few small individuals can (and do) make Brighton a more desirable place to be, perhaps a few more and we reach a nice li'l point. Respect :)
  • Hi Ian I have written a review of last nights Xmas special, its over at http://www.mark-kirby.co.uk/2007/12/05/5-app-meetup-xmas-special-review/ I haven't found any photos to stick on yet, but when there are some I shall. Well done for organising another great night! Mark