James had organised the 2nd Brighton Ruby meet-up for Tuesday, at The Eagle in the North Laines. I went along and met a bunch of great people, including Dan Glegg, the organiser James, KevTheDev, Jon Markwell and the Geek Dinner organiser Simon (he’s looking for consultancy work, btw).
Dan did a great talk on his experience running a 1-man Ruby/Rails consultancy and told us how he was growing his first commercial Rails app, the no-nonsense Tails bug-tracker. We plan to help Dan publicise Tails via some ShowMeDo videos.
I also had the chance of talking to everyone about our ShowMeDo and there’s clearly a demand for Ruby/Rails tutorial videos. James offered to help us out by asking around in the Ruby IRC channels, it’ll be great to host new Ruby videos and get new Ruby coders up and running more quickly.
I look forward to the next event, and to catching up with everyone again at the 9th Geek Dinner on Feb 28th.