Permalinks at GoDaddy

I’ve just switched Permalinks (definition) on for this Blog. It wasn’t clear whether my host GoDaddy supported the necessary mod_rewrite module…so I gave it a crack anyhow. It worked fine and all links were converted by WordPress automatically, so now the Permalinks are human readable (should you be so inclined). If you’ve linked to something I’ve said already then you’ll have to edit your previous Permalink – sorry about that, won’t happen again.

Oh, and I’ve changed the theme to, though this’ll be ongoing. So much to do, so little time.


  • Interesting. I tried enabling this on my blog with human-readable permalinks but clicking each permalink resulted in a page-not-found. I then wiped the permalink structure settings hoping to disable permalinks, however Wordpress reverted to using numerical post ids as permalinks and this works fine. Tres bizarre, non?
  • It turns out that the source of my problems with permalinks was that I cut-n-pasted the example on the wordpress permalink configuration page, rather than using the example from the wordpress codex: /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
  • Cool! When I tried to use a defaulf permalink options it didn't work for me, I got "Page not found" But when I put in /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ it worked!!! GoDaddy Hosting.