
Ian runs several training courses per year covering data science and high-performance Python. The courses are available both as public courses or for use in a private company setting.
"Ian is an excellent teacher, One day with him, we learned how to do data science better. Derisking, project specification, planning, You can do it too, and improve your delivering.", Minh Le, Elsevier (poem written by a student for me after one of my courses - how lovely!)
Ian's training courses are available as a PDF document. For notifications about dates for future iterations fill in this date-notification form.

Upcoming training courses

Faster Pandas (next courses July 18-19 and September 30-October 1) - learn a set of techniques to make Pandas 2 as fast as it can be on both the CPU and GPU, whilst getting ready for the release of Pandas 3 in 2024. Fixing bottlenecks in Pandas can improve each bottleneck by 2-30x so you look brilliant and avoid having to make big architecture changes.

Successful Data Science Projects (next course September 26-27), we work through how to estimate the value of a project, derisk it, design a project and develop a defensible project specification to improve the value and likelihood of your delivery. This course also covers leadership training.

Software Engineering for Data Scientists (next courses July 8-10th and  September 23-25) - write stronger research code, refactor to make it maintainable, add unit tests and defensible data loading tests so you trust your processing. You'll be able to develop faster with fewer bugs and your colleagues will have more trust in your code.

Higher Performance Python (next course TBC) - learn to profile slow & memory hogging code including Pandas and sklearn, learn to compile using Numba and to parallelise to multi-core with Dask and Vaex. You'll speed-up numeric code by 200*, massively increase the speed of some of your Pandas operations and you'll understand how to handle "bigger than RAM datasets" in Pandas.

You can join Ian's NotANumber newsletter on the link below, published every couple of weeks, to keep up to date with new course releases or please email Ian directly to ask for a notification for the next course.


Software Engineering for Data Scientists:
"Ian's Software Engineering for Data Scientists course was really useful to me. I learned more about refactoring and testing which I implemented at work in my current project the week after the training. There are other good practices (including the use of libraries I didn't know) that I am willing to put in place in the future." - Sandrine Pataut, QBE

"Ian's SE for DS course provides an excellent overview of best practices with focus on testing, debugging and general code maintenance. Ian has a wealth of experience and also makes sure to keep on top of the latest tools and libraries in the Data Science world. I would especially recommend the course to Data Science practitioners coming from an academic rather than software engineering background." - Mirka, LibertyGlobal

Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects:
"After attending the course I can identify and communicate to the project team and client the uncertainties of the project efficiently. I am using the techniques covered on the course to write project initiation documents and put in place the necessary processes to reduce uncertainty. The course was very engaging and I was very happy to learn from Ian's experience to ensure a successful delivery on all future projects." - Dani Papamaximou, Data Scientist at Arcadia

"One of the highlights from Ian’s Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects course was being introduced to the concept of a specialised project specification document. This provides a systematic framework to directly tackle numerous problems I have experienced when trying to move a project beyond an initial prototyping stage. I have now applied my own tailored specification document at my organisation and it immediately surfaced critical questions and issues that otherwise would not have been realised for months." - Thomas Brown, Data Scientist at

Past courses have included

(2 days) 
High performance Python
(2 days)
Introduction to data science with Pandas and friends
 (1 day)
Introductory Python and data science
(2 day)
Successfully Delivering Data Science Projects
(1 day) running during 2019
Get in contact with Ian
If you’d like to discuss how Ian can help your team, get in contact by emailing Ian[at]
  • Read my book

    Oreilly High Performance Python by Micha Gorelick & Ian Ozsvald
    Oreilly High Performance Python by Micha Gorelick & Ian Ozsvald