Archives of #Xxx

Testing 3 modern face detection libraries (, openCV, libccv)

As a research project months back Balthazar and I tested 3 modern face detection libraries (definitely see Balthazar’s write-up). had just been acquired by facebook, they had a great and free service which annotated not just face locations but also sex, age and emotion. We also tested OpenCV (popular and free) and the lesser […]

£5 App #23 – “Things we built this summer”

Last Tuesday we had our 23rd £5 App event, given that it is only our second event this year we chose to let people “show and tell” about the things they built this summer. We had 9 speakers, I bought the beer, John baked the cakes. Shardcore and the Englightenment Machine Shardcore‘s Enlightenment Machine was […]

£5 App #18 – A.I. controlled kites, bootstrapped start-up, geo-urls, robots

On Tuesday we had the 18th £5 App event, details of the line-up are here. Update – write-up by David Hawes on his talk. Allister Furey on A.I. controlled kites and live physics simulations for green power generation: £5 App #18 – Allister Furey on A.I. Controlled Kites v2 from IanProCastsCoUk on Vimeo. David Hawes […]