Archives of #Android

StrongSteam’s first novel OCR matching API (Python demo)

Here’s a preview of our first novel API in StrongSteam. We’ve been working with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for a while, we set ourselves the task of matching a noisy photograph of some text to a pre-seeded database of entries. If you follow my blog you’ll already have seen our example iPhone app for the […]

Closing The Screencasting Handbook’s email list

At the start of the year I published The Screencasting Handbook, my eBook on the art of screencasting gained whilst building ShowMeDo and ProCasts. Writing a 129 page book was an interesting challenge, I’m very happy with my early peer-review approach, the book retailed at $39 at first and later I dropped the price to […]

Social Ties now available for UK iPhones and any Android

This is just a quick post to say that we’ve released the iPhone build of Social Ties to the iTunes app store in the UK. Currently it only supports UK events so we’ve limited it to the UK AppStore, international events will follow later. The latest features include Bookmarking of people you’d like to meet […]