Archives of Week notes

Weekish notes

I’ve recently switched back from Sourdough yeast to dried packet yeast mix, given a recipe by a colleague (thanks Nick!). I immediately set to work modifying his recipe (well, cutting out steps if we’re honest). The first loaf looked fine but was bland – I cut out too much salt. The next was really very […]

Weeknote (dtype-diet)

Over the weekend I hacked on dtype_diet – a tool for Pandas users that checks their DataFrame to see if smaller datatypes might be applicable. If so they’d offer no data loss and a reduction in RAM, for Categorical data there’s also the possibility of faster calculations. This tool makes no changes, it recommends the […]

Recent “week notes”

I’ve not done a public “week notes” before. I’ve been hacking on various things and I figure it is worth sharing some of it. Using public Companies House data I’ve started to plot the decline in new company formations in the UK. Here’s a first crack, which shows a decline at the end of March. […]