BrightonJobDoom – 5k App Entry

My twitter robot (@BrightonJobDoom) has been in development for a month, now it tracks 5 job sites as it tracks Brighton’s descent into tribalism as we run out of local jobs.

Initially I was tracking just the Wired Sussex and TechCrunch sites, now I’ve added Chinwag, EscapeHatch and The Argus (within 10 miles, last week only, all jobs) newspaper.  The first four are tech-focused, The Argus lists all the jobs in the main local paper.

Contrast the numbers shown on the feed (37, 0, 2, 12, 147) with my blog entry from Oct 07 on posting a tech job ad in Brighton.  At that time Wired Sussex had 97 jobs (currently: 37), Sussex Digital’s job board has closed and The Argus was known to have pages of jobs, now just 147.  The situation is definitely negative compared to two years ago, but hopefully it is on the mend (look at the history of the doom-feed).

This twitter-bot was written as an entry for the 5k competition on April 20th at our £5 App nights.  Hopefully I’ll get time to cut the byte count down to get it under the 5120 byte limit in time for the competition!

Ian is a Chief Interim Data Scientist via his Mor Consulting. Sign-up for Data Science tutorials in London and to hear about his data science thoughts and jobs. He lives in London, is walked by his high energy Springer Spaniel and is a consumer of fine coffees.