Archives of #Tomorrow Night

StrongSteam alpha, HackerNewsLondon, Startup-Chile

I’m a little behind with the blogging so here’s the short version. StrongSteam has been under constant dev for 2 months, we’re close to putting up the first AI tools behind a few Python demos (hopefully it’ll be up next week). I’m talking on this at HackerNewsLondon tomorrow night. We haven’t (quite) finished the demos […]

£5 App Tuesday Night 8pm @ Skiff

Tomorrow night’s £5 App is all set. The 19th £5 App will feature a new fab speaker talking about his career as inventor, followed by Seb and Raul.  This will be our last £5 App for probably 2 months (due to conferences and John’s wedding), we’ll probably return in November. Hope to see you there! […]