Archives of #Python Book

Writing a High Performance Python book

I’m terribly excited to announce that I’m co-authoring an O’Reilly book on High Performance Python, to be published next year. My co-author is the talented Micha Gorelick (github @mynameisfiber) of, he’s already written a few chapters, I’ll be merging an updated version of my older eBook and adding content based on past tutorials (PyCon […]

High Performance Python 1 from PyCon 2012 (slides, video, src)

This is the follow-on for my PyCon 2012 notes from the end post. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on High Performance Python 1, below I link to the slides, the video and the source code. UPDATE2 From October 2014 I’ll be training on High Performance Python and Data Science in London using Python – […]