Archives of ArtificialIntelligence

Science Companies around Brighton?

I’m asking you for some feedback – which science-based companies do you know of around the Brighton/London area?  Can you leave me a comment if you know one that I don’t already know? Why am I asking?  I’m an A.I. researcher by trade, I’ve used Python, C++, Java and Matlab to solve ‘interesting problems’ over […]

Artificial Intelligence problems in Industry (things I’ve worked on)

A few days back Mihai commented an interest in the Artificial Intelligence work that I’ve undertaken in the past. I figure that a short run-down of the kinds of problems I’ve tackled might be interesting. Since 2004 I have run my own A.I. research consultancy – I’m blogging about the experience of becoming a freelance […]

Spam giving rise to new-breed A.I.?

It is Christmas and I exercise my right to wave my hands in the air, tell a story and make a bold prediction. You may exercise your right to comment and tell me just what you think of my idea. During this year, especially whilst growing ShowMeDo, we’ve had to contend with a rise in […]