
How do I find other blogs that are like my own? The blogosphere is pretty damned large, and trying to find others who blog about the same sort of thing as me is tricky. So tricky that I often don’t try, I just stumble onto them every now and again. Surely there’s a better way?

Technorati can tell me about what’s hot on the web and there’s collaborative bookmark sharing at One thing I haven’t seen is a blog-search tool that’ll tell me about other bloggers who:
1. Discuss the same sort of content as me
2. Link to the same sets of blogs as me

I link to The Long Tail, Doc Searl, Seth Godin and my friends – so who else links to those sites? Maybe I want to read their blogs too.

Of course spidering my site for my blogroll will be slightly tricky, and it’ll vary with other blogging tools. Maybe we need the blog software to serve up some of this info just like it serves up an RSS feed? It’d then be trivial to spider a million blogs, see who links to who and suggest connections that I’d not have known about. Has anyone seen a search engine along these lines?


  • Have you checked out It lists 710 subscribers (210 public) to The Long Tail and, via these, related feeds which include both Doc Searl and Seth Godin. Si
  • Administrator
    I'm not after the articles, I'm after people who talk closely about the things that I care about. If there's a MrOzsvald2 who talks about AI, photography, economics and movie reviews then I want to know. For A.N.Other who talks about one of these and many unrelated things - I don't want to know. If thinking of a clustering search system, clustered around topics I blog about, links I make and people in my blogrole. looks to be just another aggregator. Cheers for the link though.